109篇 Houdini18.5制作狮子毛发Grooming Lion Fur in Houdini




In this online course, the viewer will learn how to create realistic fur or hair from a production standpoint. We will go over how to create guide curves for all lengths of hair. Using different techniques from the short eyelashes to the long mane. You will also learn how to create groups from the skin mesh to grow fur from and how to paint masks and adjust the values using vex code. And if you’re not comfortable using the combing tools in Houdini you will also learn how to import guides or curves from another software package to continue grooming.


We’ll be starting with the scene basics and learning more technical production aspects like how to transfer hair to an updated model with different topology, shape, or uvs and also how to transfer hair to an animated model. We even look at how to simulate the hair with wind. You’ll learn how to set up fur shaders with textures, and how to setup cameras and render with Mantra.


This course has been designed for intermediate level.


After viewing this course, you will be able to groom any animal, human or creature, using the same workflow and techniques with confidence.






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