207篇 Houdini 17火焰入门基础教程 Introduction to Houdini 17 with Robby Branham

教程讲解Houdini 17 节点、参数、群组等相关的基础知识,以制作一个三维环境为实例来介绍建模、动力学、破碎、流体模拟等多方面知识

In this title, Senior Visual Effects Artist Robby Branham provides a thorough introduction to Side FX’s Houdini 17. It’s an exciting time when you first start working inside of a procedural 3D environment. Projects that can be difficult with traditional 3D applications often end up with road blocks that are not easily worked around. Adding Houdini to your tool belt will allow you to overcome those road blocks and iterate through the technical and creative process with less effort and more flexibility.

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