houdini印度佬ik绑定课procedural biped generation in houdini

Content Details – 9 Video Chapters (with Audio)

lesson plan

  1. Spine – Starting the biped with the spine construction and setting controls to adjust the shape of the torso geometry
  2. Arms – creating the arms rig and geometry
  3. Arms merge – combining the arms rig with the spine
  4. Legs – making the legs
  5. Legs merge – combining the legs with he existing rig
  6. Neck and Head – completing the biped by making the head and the neck
  7. Basic Full body IK – Setting up basic full body IK to pose the Biped
  8. Robot – Putting the biped system to proper use and building a full robot
  9. Kit bash Robot – Creating a procedural robot by replacing parts of the biped with items from a kit bash library.
  10. 内容详细信息-9个视频章节(带音频)
  11. 课程计划
  12. 脊椎-使用脊椎构造和设置控件启动两足动物以调整躯干几何体的形状
  13. 手臂-创建手臂装备和几何体
  14. 手臂合并-将手臂装备与脊椎结合
  15. 腿部-制作腿部
  16. 腿部合并-将腿部与现有装备相结合
  17. 颈部和头部-通过制作头部和颈部来完成两足动物
  18. 基本全身IK-设置基本全身IK以设置Biped的姿势
  19. 机器人-正确使用两足动物系统并构建完整的机器人
  20. Kit bash Robot-通过用Kit bash库中的项目替换两足动物的部分来创建程序机器人。

注释 10个视频 带工程


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