电影破坏基本概念工程(刚体动力学)Cinematic Destruction Basic Concept #5 RBD Trigger Points (Rigid Body Dynamics)

In this video, I kickstart a new series on Destruction in Houdini! We start off with the newer RBD SOP tools available in Houdini, which is a HUGE improvement from the good old DOPNET days. If you’ve used Houdini simulations from Houdini 16 and earlier, you’ll know what I mean. I begin with RBD emissions, which is a relatively simple way of creating rigid body dynamics and is a very simple simulation to setup. I find that there is so much potential for a huge variety of applications for RBD emission! The beginning of the video illustrates a few ideas I created using RBD emission in Houdini. In this video, I go over the basic workflow of how RBD emission works and in the next video, we’ll fine tune this a bit more.

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