第197篇vellum教程第4部 Discovering Houdini Vellum 4


Hello everyone; my name is Arsen Margaryan and I am very happy to present to you the 4th part of one big project called Discovering Houdini Vellum, which is entirely dedicated to vellum grains and vellum fluids, and this is probably the most interesting and juiciest part of this big project.

So, this lesson is a continuation of the previous series, and I strongly recommend watching it only after mastering the previous vellum series.

Now a few details about this lesson. We will study in detail all the properties associated with them, as well as complete many interesting and practical tasks that will greatly expand your toolbox since the Vellum is one system where all types can interact with each other, and adding sand and liquid to this system, you can already do crazy things, which are practically not impossible to implement without a Vellum.

I also want to add, that the concept of vellum itself is such that it can be infinitely expanded, in terms of adding new types of simulations, as well as new constraints for more control and the like, which developers are already successfully doing. So I strongly recommend everyone to study vellum in detail since there is a huge potential hidden there, and all these four series I have released will greatly help you in this matter because they cover a large volume of these vast capabilities.

So that’s it, and I wish you a good viewing.



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