
Thinking Particles Morphing

A simple trick to morph between two objects using cebas thinking particles inside 3ds max.

Tool’s feature:

  • Uses volume break.
  • Activation method (in mesh condition in my case) you can use what ever you want.
  • Several forces: Path follow, wind noise and spinning.

Note: This tool doesn’t have an interface so you need to have some knowledge in TP for you to dive down and tweak things, but I assure you nothing complex, everything is organized and labeled.

A simple trick to morph between two objects using cebas thinking particles inside 3ds max.

Tool’s feature:

  • Uses volume break.
  • Activation method (in mesh condition in my case) you can use what ever you want.
  • Several forces: Path follow, wind noise and spinning.

Note: This tool doesn’t have an interface so you need to have some knowledge in TP for you to dive down and tweak things, but I assure you nothing complex, everything is organized and labeled.

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